NHS Friends and Family Results

Answer Total
Very Good 664
Good 157
Poor 36
Neither Good Nor Poor 37
Very Poor 19
Don't Know 5
Results in bar chart format

What you had to tell us

We asked... "Can you tell us why you gave that response?"

Comment Date
The appointment with the Nurse Louisa started on time. She was fully prepared for my check up which proceeded in a positive efficient manner. Her questions and feedback were helpful as well as informative. She was interested in what I had to contribute about the Oviva course I had been asked to take and my recent appointments at the hospital .She was also able to book my flu jab which was helpful. Louisa has a cheerful positive manner which encourages participation. Saturday 31 August
Staff at centre are always helpful and patient Saturday 31 August
I’ve never had a problem with my gp practice from receptionists, nurses and doctors, They saw me through a very black and dark place Saturday 31 August
Having good relationships with the receptionist and also Cindy the GP very good Saturday 31 August
Had appointment but arrived a bit earlier, I was called in on time. The nurse was very nice on the day and chatted with you which almost takes your mind off whilst she is preparing to take your blood test. Friday 30 August